Labels:bar | cabinet | concert grand | grand piano | plant | sky | stool | tribute album OCR: Blind Tom Blind Tom Blind Tom was the fourteenth child of a slave sold I to a he could Colonel not speak, could Bethune hardly walk, during and the gave 19th no century Up to the age of five or six, enc sian intelligence other than a fascination with all sorts of sounds but most of all with music Tom would listen to the colonel's daughters practising the piano. At four years ."if taken out from the corner where he lay dejected, and seated at the piano he would play beautiful tunes his little hands having already taken possession of the keys and his wonderful ear for any combination notes tigence other. sound they had once heard" At the age of six Tom started to improvise on his own account. A seven he gave his first concert and went on to earn hundred I thousand dollars in his eighth year ...